State Ave. Connex
Enhanced Transit Facilities for State Avenue
KCATA and Unified Government Transit secured federal TIGER funding to improve the Minnesota/State Avenue transit corridor. The improvements were made along the transit route that begins at the 10th & Main Transit Center in downtown Kansas City, Mo., travels through Downtown Kansas City, Ks., and ends at Village West. The route serves activity centers and neighborhoods along State and Minnesota avenues.
Why Transit is Important to State Avenue
Effective transit connects employment centers, educational facilities, neighborhoods and shopping and entertainment areas. As a major east-west route through the Kansas City metropolitan area, State Avenue links Kansas City’s revitalized urban core with new development occurring farther west. With two new transit centers providing regional connections, State Avenue Connex supports the regional vision for enhanced and expanded regional transit in Kansas City. State Avenue Connex will improve transit facilities and continue to provide access to jobs, support economic development, and provide efficient transportation.
What’s Included with the Improvements
State Avenue Connex includes transit centers at 7th and Minnesota Avenue and at 47th and State Avenue (formerly Indian Springs). Both transit centers have been custom-built with improved passenger waiting areas and amenities such as real-time passenger information. Other State Avenue corridor Connex stop improvements include:
- Bus passenger shelters and benches
- Bus stop platforms
- Landscaping and environmentally friendly features
- Improved pedestrian connections
Click on the map for a closer view.
Design Process and Schedule
KCATA, UGT, business leaders, neighborhoods, elected officials, the general public, other stakeholders, and a consultant design team worked together to improve the State Avenue transit cooridor. The preliminary design process began in the spring of 2011, and final design was completed in early 2012. Construction began in Summer 2012 and finished in 2013.
How State Avenue Connex Improvements were Funded
A Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) Grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation is funding the State Avenue bus enhancements. The grant awarded included $10.5 million for the design and implementation of these physical enhancements along the corridor. State Avenue improvements are an intermediate step to a MAX Bus Rapid Transit Line.
View a Fact Sheet about the State Avenue project. [PDF]